Rails 7 with Ruby 3, MySQL 8 and Redis in Docker Alpine

Rails 7 with Ruby 3, MySQL 8 and Redis in Docker Alpine

I have used Rails in the past and have always admired its ability to increase software development speed due to its flexibility, ease of use, and fun factor. Since I know that there are still many developers who maintain different versions of Rails in the market, and I also wanted to test the latest version available (2023), I decided to create a guide where I run Rails over Docker without using any native tools.

This article provides a guide on how to set up Rails 7 with Ruby 3, MySQL 8, and Redis in Docker Alpine. It includes a brief walkthrough of the Dockerfile, environment file, and Docker compose file necessary for setting up the backend.

Presenting to you…. The Dockerfile

The Dockerfile is our first entrypoint to our backend, being one of the most complicated services to maintain. What are we going to do?

Well, giving the current times, you can ask ChatGPT about what the following code does, but if you don’t want to open another tab, application and stay reading in the same place, stay with me. Even better, I’ll try to simplify each step.

I’m using the Alpine version to build the app. We need to install some dependencies, and that’s the reason behind the apk command. Of course, you can replace it with the Ubuntu or Debian version. But you must need to update the package installation step.

Since I have no creativity to come up with a service name, I’ll often use potato as the application name, or prefix services with it. Feel free to update it as you wish.

# Dockerfile
FROM ruby:3.1.4-alpine
# update packages
apk update && apk upgrade && \
apk --no-cache add make gcc libc-dev && \
apk add --update --no-cache \
build-base curl-dev git libxslt-dev libxml2-dev ruby-rdoc mysql-dev \
yaml-dev zlib-dev nodejs yarn tzdata
# Required gems
RUN gem install nokogiri -- --use-system-libraries
RUN gem install bundler
COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock ./
RUN bundle install
COPY . .
# Clear package trash after installation
RUN rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
CMD ["rails", "console"]

For the next act… an .env file

An environment file is used by Docker to pass environment variables to the Rails application. Here, we can set our database access and at the same time, send some environment values to the application.

Be careful not to commit this file or ignore it from Git.

If you want to have a skeleton, leave the keys and remove the values from the right, and name the file as .env.example.

Terminal window
# Used by Rails, the app container
# Used by MySQL container

Last but not least: the Docker compose file

Here, we can define how we are going to work with Rails, the MySQL container, and Redis, all together.

If you are using the following ports: Rails 3000, MySQL 3306, and Redis 6379, feel free to change them. I am using the default ones just to be consistent with the native tools.

Also, inside the app container, the entire codebase is mounted to the /app directory within the container.

Every time you start the container, it will run bundle install to ensure the application has all the dependencies needed and used by it. After that, it will start the development server on port 3000, which is also forwarded to the Docker host, your computer.

version: "3.8"
container_name: potato_backend
command: sh -c "bundle install && bundle exec rails s -p 3000 -b ''"
- mysql
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
- 3000:3000
restart: always
- .:/app
- .env
container_name: potato_db
image: mysql:8.0
- .env
- 3306:3306
container_name: potato_redis
image: redis:6.2.6-alpine
restart: always
- 6379:6379

Last steps

These are the only changes that you need to run your application from docker.

Once finished you can docker compose up -d.

My posts are not AI generated, they might be only AI corrected. The first draft is always my creation



Written by Helmer Davila

In other languages

En utilisant Docker pour créer des environnements dans des conteneurs

Rails 7 avec Ruby 3, MySQL 8 et Redis sur Docker Alpine

Usando Docker para crear un entorno en contenedores

Rails 7 con Ruby 3, MySQL 8 y Redis en Docker Alpine

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